
Gradient Descent the Python Way

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During our third week at Zipfian, we implemented the linear regression model by using various Python libraries (e.g. statsmodel and scikit-learn). We also coded the normal equation () directly as a Python function. In addition to using standard library functions to perform linear regressions, we also implemented an optimization technique called gradient descent to approximate the analytical solution for deriving the coefficients of a linear regression. When a matrix is non-invertible, one would have to use gradient descent to arrive at the coefficients of a linear regression since a unique solution does not exist in this case. In fact, gradient descent is a general optimization technique for finding the local minimum of a function and as such, can be applied to many other machine learning situations where an analytical solution is either too cumbersome or is infeasible. So I thought it’d be quite useful to get a better handle on this important tool.

Here’s the general gradient descent algorithm:

where is a function that we want to minimize and is the learning rate.

There is a video by Andrew Ng of Stanford on the basic intuition behind gradient descent.

The general idea of gradient descent is that we take the gradient (i.e. slope or first-derivation) of the function we want to minimize at some starting point. Then we take one step in the negative direction of the gradient (hence, a descent) and repeat this process many times. Eventually, the algorithm will converge to a point where the gradient is zero and where the function is, therefore, at a local minimum. The (or the learning rate) of the gradient descent algorithm determines how big a step we take at each iteration.

For the case of linear regression, the function we want to minimize is the RSS (or the cost function):

By plugging the RSS (as ) into the general gradient descent algorithm and doing some math (as explained on pages 4 and 5 of Andrew Ng’s lecture notes here), we arrive at the following:

where is the predicted value () of and is the true value.

Once we have tailored the gradient descent algorithm for linear regression, the Python implementation of the coefficient update function is not too difficult. We just need to make sure that the matrix multiplications are done properly:

def update(self, X, y, alpha):
  gradient =
  m = len(y)
  return self.coeffs - alpha * gradient / m

Next, we create a run function to iterate through the above gradient descent update function in order to arrive at a set of coefficient vector that would minimize the RSS for the linear regression. To do this, we need to pass in to control how large a step we’d want to take from one iteration to the next:

def run(self, X, y, alpha=0.01, num_iterations=10000):
  for i in xrange(num_iterations):
    self.coeffs = self.update(X,y,alpha)

Finally, we can use this set of coefficients vector for our linear regression ():

def predict(self, X):
